Traffic Troopers, Inc. currently has positions available in several Georgia counties. We are seeking motivated individuals with great work ethics that will be responsible for:

​Place temporary construction signs, arrow boards or variable message boards in work area.
Place traffic cones and other traffic safety devices in work area.
Safely direct traffic flow using Stop/Slow paddle following the MUTCD compliance and GDOT regulations.
Pick up traffic control items at beginning and end of shift and load into the truck.
Check work zone throughout shift to be sure items are still in their proper location.
Maintain consistent focus on providing Safety throughout all required job functions.
Adhere to company, state and federal guidelines for effective, Safe and well managed work zones. 

Ability to receive and communicate specific instructions clearly, firmly, and courteously;
Ability to move and maneuver quickly in order to avoid danger from errant vehicles;
Ability to control signaling devices (such as paddles and flags) in order to provide clear and positive guidance to drivers approaching a TTC (Temporary Traffic Control) zone in frequently changing situations;
Ability to understand and apply safe traffic control practices, sometimes in stressful or emergency situations; and
Ability to recognize dangerous traffic situations and warn workers in sufficient time to avoid injury.